Mesothelioma Compensation after Asbestos Exposure at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, Ohio

Asbestos exposure has been a known hazard at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, OH, since 1933. Mesothelioma is a serious illness and, in most cases, is linked to past asbestos exposure. If you or a loved one worked at August Wagner Breweries and developed mesothelioma, you might be eligible for compensation.

Mesothelioma Compensation at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, OH

Average Mesothelioma Compensation for workers exposed to asbestos at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, Ohio may range between:

$400,200 and $1,589,262*

Factors such as your job, age, and level of asbestos exposure during employment at August Wagner Breweries will significantly impact the compensation you may be eligible for.


Mesothelioma Compensation After Asbestos Exposure at August Wagner Breweries

If you or your family has been impacted by mesothelioma after asbestos exposure at August Wagner Breweries, you are entitled to seek financial compensation. While the details depend on your specific situation, the two main sources of compensation are Asbestos Trust Funds and Legal Claims against responsible companies.

Mesothelioma Compensation at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, Ohio

Who Can Claim Mesothelioma Compensation?

  • Mesothelioma Patients: Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma linked to asbestos exposure at the August Wagner Breweries can seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses.
  • Family Members: If a family member tragically passed away from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure at the August Wagner Breweries, the family may be eligible to pursue compensation for funeral expenses, loss of income, and emotional suffering.

Available Asbestos Trust Funds at August Wagner Breweries

Companies that went bankrupt due to asbestos liabilities set up asbestos trust funds. At August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, Ohio, these include:

Mesothelioma Compensation in Asbestos Claims from Babcock & Wilcox Trust Fund

The current payment amount in 2024 for asbestos mesothelioma claims in Individual Review at Babcock & Wilcox:

Individual Review*: $400,000Ratio*: 6.3%

Babcock & Wilcox Products with Known Asbestos Exposure

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Combined Mesothelioma Claims from Trust Funds (partial compensation)

The total combined asbestos mesothelioma claims (BASE) in individual review linked to asbestos exposure at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, Ohio is $25,200.

Warning Combined Mesothelioma Claims from Trust Funds

$25,200 represents ONLY the amount paid by TRUST FUNDS for mesothelioma claims. This is NOT your TOTAL compensation. Please use the Mesothelioma Calculator for a comprehensive estimate of your mesothelioma compensation.

If you need to talk, the Meso Support Line is here

We understand that dealing with mesothelioma is incredibly challenging. Whether you’re facing health issues, legal concerns, or simply need someone to talk to about your situation, our compassionate counselors are here to help. You’re not alone in this.

If you need to talk, Call: (866) 646-8911Call: (866) 646-8911If you need to talk, Request a CallbackRequest a Callback

Lawsuit Settlements: August Wagner Breweries - Columbus, OH

Mesothelioma lawsuit settlements against companies responsible for asbestos exposure during employment at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, OH, may range from $375,000 to $1,564,062, depending on the job and the timeframe of asbestos exposure. These civil defendants could include:

Calculate Your Mesothelioma Compensation at August Wagner Breweries

  1. Select the job performed at August Wagner Breweries by you or your family member.
  2. Select the employment years (start & end) at August Wagner Breweries.
  3. Click the "Calculate Compensation" button.

August Wagner Breweries Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator

Calculate mesothelioma compensation for you or a family member exposed to asbestos at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, OH.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for mesothelioma compensation after working at August Wagner Breweries?

Individuals who are eligible for mesothelioma compensation after working at August Wagner Breweries in Columbus, OH, generally include:

  • Workers: Those directly employed by August Wagner Breweries and exposed to asbestos.
  • Family members of workers: In cases where the worker has passed away from mesothelioma.
  • Contractors and subcontractors: Exposed to asbestos while working at the facility.
  • Visitors and bystanders: In some cases, if exposed to asbestos on the premises.

Why calculate my mesothelioma compensation at August Wagner Breweries?

What documentation do I need to file a mesothelioma claim related to asbestos exposure at August Wagner Breweries?

Do I need a lawyer to get mesothelioma compensation?


  1. Babcock & Wilcox Company Trust Fund


  1. Average Mesothelioma Compensation typically refers to the combined average amount you could receive from both Asbestos Trust Funds and successful lawsuit settlements against Civil Defendants. However, there may be other sources of compensation available in certain cases.
  2. Individual Review: Your claim will be individually reviewed by the administrators of an asbestos trust fund, which may result in higher payouts.
  3. Ratio: The trust funds ensure a fixed percentage of compensation known as a "ratio", which reserves funds for potential future victims based on the claim’s worth.
  4. Compensation estimates are for informational purposes only and do not guarantee any specific outcome. Actual compensation may vary based on individual case factors. Consult a mesothelioma attorney for advice.
  5. Every case has unique settlement figures and estimates. Your compensation may vary based on case-specific factors.
  6. Twilio Compliance: Trust Center